OF at Data Vitality Exhibition


An Open Forest installation is on display at the Data Vitality: Soft Infrastructures and Economies of Knowledge exhibition at Dipoly Gallery in Espoo The exhibition takes place from 18. 11. 2021 to 14. 02. 2022 and is curated by Edel O’Reilly, Aalto University. Data Vitality explores the changing role of data in society by combining… Continue reading OF at Data Vitality Exhibition

Walking with Sipoonkorpi


Forest – or metsä, in Finnish – is a place of refuge, myths and sacredness, a way of understanding oneself and others, as well as a standard canvas for industrial extraction of natural materials. To better understand complex, entangled forest ecosystems as well as the creatures that live in and around them, with the Open… Continue reading Walking with Sipoonkorpi