Carbon Tree

I’m a pine, but humans call me the Carbon Tree. They are obsessed with how I breathe and trade carbon dioxide with the atmosphere, so they dressed me with some sensors to translate my life into numbers. Sometimes I feel like I’m just a living sum of data…so many of them come to look at… Continue reading Carbon Tree

Devil’s Rock

When you climb all the way up the rock, you are there. You made it. Now you can sit down and look all around the land, the river Berounka, all the trees, deciduous and coniferous. Feel the wind. Sometimes you can hear dogs howling from the other side of the river. The rock is wrapped… Continue reading Devil’s Rock

Jumping Squirrel

Jumping squrresl

Honestly, these squirrels are such “maybe” creatures. Maybe beavers? No, too high up in the trees. Maybe birds? Also not, too low from the sky. Who are they? Where did they come from? What do they want? What is their purpose? Maybe we will never know.